Speaking in Clay: Intro to Ceramics For Youth Ages 13-17
Speaking in Clay: Intro to Ceramics For Youth Ages 13-17
Speaking in Clay: Intro to Ceramics For Youth Ages 13-17
Speaking in Clay: Intro to Ceramics For Youth Ages 13-17
Speaking in Clay: Intro to Ceramics For Youth Ages 13-17
Speaking in Clay: Intro to Ceramics For Youth Ages 13-17
Speaking in Clay: Intro to Ceramics For Youth Ages 13-17

Speaking in Clay: Intro to Ceramics For Youth Ages 13-17

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For Ages 13-17 - Join for an Introduction to Ceramics with artist and educator, Ako Castuera! In this class, students will learn foundational techniques to handbuilding ceramics in an explorative, playful and creative learning environment. 

We will begin this class by processing local clay found in the nearby foothills. We'll talk about how to identify clay, sift to remove natural fibers, dry, rehydrate and wedge it to become a workable material to build with.

Students are welcome to make anything they would like throughout the duration of the workshop and will learn pinch pots, coil building, slab building, surface decoration and glazing. Potential pieces to be made… functional objects, creatures, musical instruments, masks, miniatures, wall hangings, sculptures, things from your dreams, real or imagined, the sky's the limit. 

All tools and materials are included. All pieces will be fired and ready to be displayed in the culmination exhibition on Saturday, September 28th from 5-7pm. All pieces that are glazed will be food, microwave and dishwasher safe.
This series is made possible by a grant from the California Arts Council.

Class Details:
Taught by Ako Castuera
Free for ages 13-17 
August & September for 7 sessions
Dates: August 13, 20, 27 + September 3, 10, 17, 24 
Tuesdays  from 4:30-6pm 
Limited to 10 students 
Culmination Exhibit: Saturday, September 28th from 5-7pm 
Located at Sooki Studio in Frogtown, 2971 Allesandro Street, Los Angeles, 90039



This workshop is taught by artist and educator, Ako Castuera. Ako works with clay, soil, plant and animal matter in her sculptures, exploring reciprocal exchange with the living forces generated from, converging on, and returning to soil.

She has led classes and workshops in clay and storytelling across a wide range of ages and settings, from public parks to private universities. Her work has been exhibited at museums and galleries nationally, and she is known for her work as an Emmy award winning director on the animated series, ‘City of Ghosts’, a children's television show that explores rich, often overlooked histories in Los Angeles. 



The workshop space is ADA accessible. A bathroom is available for workshop participants that has a set of 3 stairs leading to it that is not currently ADA accessible. For any specific needs or additional questions on accessibility, please reach out


COVID Protocol

Participants are encouraged to take at home Covid tests prior to the workshop to ensure collective safety. As we're working in a very well ventilated environment, masks are optional. If you are experiencing any Covid like symptoms or have been exposed to someone with Covid, please stay home and get in touch.


Hablando en Arcilla: Introducción a la Cerámica Edades 13-17

Para edades de 13 a 17 años: ¡únase a una introducción a la cerámica con la artista y educadora Ako Castuera! En esta clase, los estudiantes aprenderán técnicas fundamentales para la construcción manual de cerámica en un entorno de aprendizaje exploratorio, lúdico y creativo. 

Los estudiantes pueden hacer lo que quieran durante la duración del taller y aprenderán ollas de pellizco, construcción de bobinas, construcción de losas, decoración de superficies y vidriado. Posibles piezas a realizar... objetos funcionales, criaturas, instrumentos musicales, máscaras, miniaturas, tapices, esculturas, cosas de tus sueños, reales o imaginarios, el cielo es el límite. 

Todas las herramientas y materiales están incluidos. Todas las piezas serán cocidas y listas para ser exhibidas en la exposición culminante el sábado 28 de septiembre de 5 a 7 p.m. Todas las piezas que estén esmaltadas serán aptas para alimentos, microondas y lavavajillas.

Esta serie es posible gracias a una subvención del California Arts Council.

Detalles de la clase:

  • Impartido por Ako Castuera

  • Gratis para edades de 14 a 17 años que vivan en los códigos postales: 90031, 90039, 90065

  • Agosto y septiembre para 8 sesiones.

  • Fechas: 6, 13, 20, 27 de agosto + 3, 10, 17, 24 de septiembre 

  • Martes de 15 a 16:30 h. 

  • Limitado a 10 estudiantes. 

  • Exposición culminante: sábado 28 de septiembre de 5 a 7 p. m. 

  • Ubicado en Sooki Studio en Frogtown, 2971 Allesandro Street, Los Ángeles, 90039.

Acerca de nuestro instructor  

Este taller está impartido por la artista y educadora Ako Castuera. Ako trabaja con arcilla, tierra, materia vegetal y animal en sus esculturas, explorando el intercambio recíproco con las fuerzas vivas generadas, que convergen y regresan al suelo.

Ha dirigido clases y talleres de arcilla y narración de cuentos en una amplia gama de edades y entornos, desde parques públicos hasta universidades privadas. Su trabajo se ha exhibido en museos y galerías a nivel nacional, y es conocida por su trabajo como directora ganadora del premio Emmy en la serie animada "City of Ghosts", un programa de televisión para niños que explora historias ricas, a menudo pasadas por alto, en Los Ángeles.